K.I.C.K.’s is for Pre-teens (Grades 4&5) every Wednesday from 3:30 pm to 4:30 pm.
The Purpose of K.I.C.K.’s is to provide a time & place where Kids from our Community can come together with one another.
- K.I.C.K.’s is a place where Kids can come together & “Konnect” with one another,
- Feel accepted and loved,
- Create good relationships that can lead to leadership development, all while,
- Having Fun!
Leadership Development:
We have begun to move towards leadership training as we adopt & implement princlples from LAMP (Leadership And Mentoring Program): This is a intergenerational leadership program that is unique to our Church and the Canada Pacific District Church of the Nazarene.
LAMP offers:
- 6 Main Principles
- 3 ways we will implement this program
- Endless number of ways we will learn to serve our community and others

- Connect with the Director of Family Ministries, Monica at monica.abbynaz@gmail.com
- Pray! Specifically for each child that participates & the Families they represent.
- Got ideas? Email us!